Wednesday, January 30, 2013

11 months!

11 months, wowzers! Patrick and I have noticed in the past month or so a real growth in Emma- she is much more aware and engaged in the moment, much more busy, and it just seems like she is learning and processing something every minute.  She is really keeping us on our toes! 

Here is our proud 11 month old baby girl!

Emma has created her own unique hair style thanks to her double cowlicks on her crown.  Similar to a mullet, Emma is business in the front and party in the back... but with a mohawk! 

Here she is demonstrating a new skill she learned around 
the time of her mom's birthday. Hugging!!!  

And kissing!!!  Obviously we love this new skill and are 
grateful for each hug and kiss Emma gives us! 

Here she is in action showing off her rolling.  She began doing this the week before Thanksgiving when her mom was relentlessly trying to teach her to clap by doing Patty Cake over and over.  

I'm 11 months and so big!

I'm up to five teeth!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Fall photos

Last October we spent an afternoon with our favorite photographer, Nicole VonDette, for some family pictures.  I did not want to share these earlier because I did not want to ruin the Christmas card surprise!  They were taken in the Jamaica Plain Arboretum  - it was our first trip there and we were blown away with its beauty. 

Let me know if you would like any prints.  In the year and a half we have known Nicole she has really jumpstarted her photography business.  Here is her website:

Please admire the first baby that comes up on her homepage! You may also recognize many others :) 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

10 months!

Wow, are we behind much in blog posts?!!  For the months of December and January it feels as though we have been away traveling more than we have been home in Boston.  Emma was such a trooper and I know she loved every minute of her adventures.  But I can tell she is happy to be home so she can sleep in her own bed, play with her toys, and visit with her friends.  Here are her 10 month photos that are actually more like 10.5 month photos :)  It is still very hard to get her to sit still! 

More posts to come very soon!  Time to play catch up!